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Dukoff 색소폰 마우스피스

도널드 Kim 2015. 2. 19. 13:31

Dukoff Saxophone Mouthpieces

BD Dukoff Hollywood (1945):
Shown below is the first Bob Dukoff saxophone mouthpiece made in 1945. They had a one piece design made of brass with a round medium chamber and flat inner side walls. They had white bite-plates and serial numbers.

 사진에 보이는겄은 1945년에 제작된 첫번째 듀코프이다.

 그들은 한가지 디자인의 피스를 만들었는데 둥근 중간크기의 챔버,그리고

평편한 내부의 레일벽을 가진 피스이다.

그리고 흰 바이트 플랫 (이빨 닿는곳)과 시리얼 넘버를 가지고 있다.


Bob Dukoff "Dukoff" (1945):
These mouthpieces are shorter than the BD model. They have a very large chamber with very deep rounded inner side-walls. In fact, what makes these mouthpieces so great is that they have such profoundly rounded inner side-walls, much like the NY Otto Links made in the 1940's. However, they have higher floors than their Otto Link counterparts so have more projection. These are fantastic playing mouthpieces; however, the facings vary widely from piece to piece. About 200 of this model were bought by a New York Distributor who put the Woodwind Co. name on them. Most have a serial number on the shank with white bite.

이겄들은 BD 모델보다  길이가 짧으며 매우넓은 챔버를, 깊고 둥근 안쪽사이드 벽을
가진다. 사실 이런 둥근내부 사이드벽을 만든것에 대하여 놀라지 않을수 없다
마치 1940년에 뉴욕링크가 나온겄처럼.
어쨋던,    그들은 오토링크가 많은부분의 프로잭션을 행한것보다 더
가치있는 일을 한겄이다. 그겄들은 환상적인 연주력을 준다.
어쨋던 패이싱은 200여종의 이들 피스에서 여러가지 깊이를 가지고 있는데
뉴욕의 공급상들은 피스에 WoodwindCO 를 이들 피스에 새기기도 했다.
대부분의 이들 듀코프는 시리얼넘버와 흰 바이트 테이블 (무는곳)을 가지고 있다


BD Dukoff Hollywood (1949):
These brass mouthpieces were produced in two halves that were silver soldered together (much like the Otto Link.) They had a large chamber and rounded inner side walls. only about 200 of these mouthpieces were made. And, about 100 of these blanks were sold to Zimberoff, who produced a mouthpiece under their own name. The white bite-plates continued with these models.

이들 놋쇠 마우스피스들은 양쪽을 은땜으로 붙이는 방식으로 설계되었다

(마치 오토링크처럼) 이들은 넓은 큰챔버와 둥근 인사이드 벽을 가진다.

오직 200개의 피스만을 만들었는데 100개는 Zimberoff에로의 판매를 위해

이름을 새기지않고 팔았다. 그들의 이름아래서 제작된..

흰색의 이빨 닿는곳은 이모델 까지도 계속된다. 


This same mouthpiece was also sold under the name Zimberoff - House of Note. Some of these had the model name Vibra Metal.

이겄과 같은 피스가 Zimberdff 라는 이름으로 팔리기도 하고 vivra Metal 이라고도 햇다. 


Dukoff Ligatures and Caps:
All of the mouthpieces made in the 1940s came with one of the two ligature and cap combinations shown below.

모든 1940년대에 생산된 피스는 한가지,혹은 두가지의 캡과 레가쳐가 따라 나온다. 


Dukoff Hard Rubber "Fluted Chamber" Mouthpiece (1952):
These mouthpieces had lengthwise ridges inside the large chamber, inspiring its Fluted Chamber name. They had a large chamber and rounded inner side walls like the Florida Otto Link hard rubber mouthpieces. They also sound a lot like the Florida Link hard rubbers and can be very good playing mouthpieces.

Dukoff Hard Rubber "Fluted Chamber" Mouthpiece (1952):
These mouthpieces had lengthwise ridges inside the large chamber, inspiring its Fluted Chamber name. They had a large chamber and rounded inner side walls like the Florida Otto Link hard rubber mouthpieces. They also sound a lot like the Florida Link hard rubbers and can be very good playing mouthpieces.
듀코프 하드러버 "Flute Chamber0"
이들은 넓은 내부챔버에 가로의 여러개의 릿지 (산골짜기 같은)를 가지고 있다.
넓은챔버, 그리고 둥근 내부벽은 마치 플로리다 오토링크 하드러버와 같고,
매우 훌륭한 사운드를 내는 피스이다.



This same mouthpiece was later made without the flutes. It is otherwise the exact same mouthpiece with a large chamber, rounded inner-side walls and good projection. Overall, it is an outstanding mouthpiece. This version was also sold under the name Zimberoff - House of Note.

이 같은 형태의 피스는 내부에 산들성이가 없는 플루트 모델이다, 어쨋든 이것도 같은피스이며

넓은 챔버 둥근 내부벽등 전반적으로 잘 만들어진 피스이다.

이들도 역시 Zimberoff-House of Note이름아래 팔렸다.


Transitional Mouthpieces (1963)
These mouthpieces are nickel plated, solid caste brass. They came in two styles. one had the same chamber as the Super Power Chamber mouthpiece but did not say Super Power Chamber. The second style looks similar on the outside and is also nickel plated solid brass, but had a chamber much like a Brilhart. It had a small roll-over baffle, lower floor and an almost oval medium chamber. Most of these models had a serial number with the exception of a few pieces at the end of the run.

 Transitional Mouthpieces (1963)
These mouthpieces are nickel plated, solid caste brass. They came in two styles. one had the same chamber as the Super Power Chamber mouthpiece but did not say Super Power Chamber. The second style looks similar on the outside and is also nickel plated solid brass, but had a chamber much like a Brilhart. It had a small roll-over baffle, lower floor and an almost oval medium chamber. Most of these models had a serial number with the exception of a few pieces at the end of the run.

트랜지셔날 마우스피스 (1963)
이들 피스는 단단한 놋쇠가 주원료인 위에 니켈도금으로 만들었고 두가지 스타일이 있다.
하나는 수퍼참버 피스와 같은 형태이나 수퍼파워챔버 라고는 부르지 않고
또다는 하나는 겉은 수퍼파워챔버와 같으나 속은 브릴하트 를 흡사하게 닮은 모델이다
이것은 작은 롤오버 (뒤집어진) 배플,적은 플로어,그리고 ㅈ전채적으로 미디움챔버이다.
대다수의 이시리즈는 예외인 몇개의 피스를 뻬고는 생산이 종료될때까지
시리얼넘버를 가진다.


Super Power Chamber (1972)
The Dukoff Super Power Chamber mouthpieces where made out of metal Silverite. They were made from a single injection mold. The material is quite soft, requiring extra care. These are still currently in production.


듀코프 수퍼파워 피스는 메탈 실버라이트(치과 보철용 금속)

이들은 단일 분사 방식으로 만들어 졌고 (떡가래?)

이금속은 적당히 부드러워 별도의 보관에 주의를 요하며

이들은 아직도 생산중이다.  
Super Power Chamber (1975)
The Dukoff Super Power Chamber Ebolite Vibra-Com mouthpieces were pieces identical to their metal counterparts, but made from black plastic. A few clear plastic versions were also produced. The last of these pieces were made in 1994.

듀코프 에보나이트 비비라캠은 메탈과는 별개로 만들어지며 몇몇 투명의 겄도 있다

그러나 검은 프라스틱이 주원료이며 마지막것은 1994년에 생산되었다.
BD Hollywood (1998)
Both BD Hollywood models are now made in a one piece design of metal Silverite.